First Looks: Four from Allan's, Four from Cambridge
My wife Laurie is the first one to tell you, I'm no good at keeping secrets. It takes time to work up a review and do the photography. If I was patient and just a little bit cunning, I wouldn't blab about what's on the horizon -- but I can't help it. Here are some preliminary shots of eight editions that will be reviewed here in the coming weeks:
And if you're wondering exactly which ones those are, here they are in boxes:
So that's four Allan's Bibles soon to be reviewed. And there's more. We also have four from Cambridge, too!
Here they are all boxed up:
Needless to say, it's going to take some time to live with these a while, take the necessary photos, and formulate my reactions. But in the meantime I just wanted you to know what's in store. Oh, wait -- did I say four from Cambridge? Make that five. You'll have to sit tight to find out what the fifth one is. I have to preserve some sense of mystery, after all.