Giving the Bible As a Gift: find My 2019 Guide at First Things

Writing In Your Bible: The Schuyler Canterbury and the Case for Traditional Wide Margin Bibles

A Clean Slate: New Quentel NKJV Continues A Trend

Through Thick & Thin: The Myth-Busting Quentel Thinline

Incremental Gains: Schuyler Quentel NIV

Refined In Every Sense: The New Heirloom Legacy

Reuniting With Cambridge’s Pitt Minion

Dressing Up your Waterproof Bible

Bibliotheca, Mon Amour

The Incredible Shrinking Schuyler Quentel

The Waterproof Bible

Schuyler Canterbury KJV
Mere Fidelity interview

Christianity Today on Reader’s Bibles

ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set Part 3: Paper Performance

Are Reader’s Bibles (Finally) Here To Stay?
Reverent Joy:Crossway Launches ReadersBible.org, Releases Video

ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume SetPart 2: Layout & Typography