Pitt Minion ESV Comparison Shots
David Dewey has done it again: in response to yesterday's requests for a comparison between the new Cambridge Pitt Minion ESV and Crossway's single column Personal Size Reference edition, he has snapped a few new photos and written up some notes. Here they are:
"The stack, from bottom to top (all ESVs): Classic Reference (bonded leather) Personal Size Reference (Forest Trail) Pitt Minion (two-tone) Deluxe Compact (chestnut, crown design)"
Pitt Minion vs. Personal Size Reference (pictured on left)
"The PSR is only slightly larger than the Pitt Minion, but is half as thick again. The Pitt Minion text, being a semi-bold, is darker, a little smaller and with less line space than the PSR. The latter, of course, is single column. I find both equally readable."
Pitt Minion vs. Deluxe Compact (pictured on right)
"The Deluxe Compact, however, has a smaller font than either and is less readable (though an improvment on the original Crossway compact ESVs."
Thanks again, David, for sharing your photos and notes!