A Geneva Bible & A Looseleaf KJV
I've been quiet lately, which is what happens when you have publishing deadlines and are about to leave for two months on the road (teaching at Worldview Academy). My apologies, and rest assured that I'll be back with a vengeance as soon as I have more reviews to post. In the meantime, I've decided to raise a little money to help support the site by auctioning a couple of items.
Remember the looseleaf Cambridge Concord wide margin KJV I wrote about awhile back? And the facsimile Geneva Bible bound in 7 oz. cowhide? If you're in the market for either, here's your chance to pick up a rare edition and help Bible Design Blog at the same time.
I may thin the shelves a little more before I leave for the summer. If so, I'll let you know. In the meantime, thanks for reading!